QUESTION: Will I have access to my driveway during construction? QUESTION: Will my water be shutoff at any point? QUESTION: Will I be given notice if my property will be impacted with a shutoff or driveway blockage? QUESTION: What happens if I need to leave my house, but construction is occurring in front of my home? |
QUESTION: What happens if my property is damaged during construction?
ANSWER: Pre-construction video will be taken in advance of the work beginning. If you feel as though your property has been damaged by the construction, please contact the resident engineer at Josh at [email protected] to share your concern.
QUESTION: Will I be able to use my fixtures while the sewer work is occurring?
ANSWER: Sewer interruptions will be minimal and advance notice will be given if a disruption to your service will occur.
QUESTION: What happens if a private facility located in the Village-owned right-of-way (lawn sprinkler, electric fence, etc.) is damaged during construction?
ANSWER: Damage to a private facility in the right-of-way is the responsibility of the affected property owner and will not be repaired by the Village or its contractor. Please relocate the facility out of the right-of-way to avoid this conflict.